Classical Acupuncture
“Acupuncture is a comprehensive and holistic system of treating disharmonies on the physical, emotional and mental level. Acupuncture provides my clients with a glimpse and a gateway into their healing potential”
What can classical acupuncture treat?
Acute and semi-acute musculoskeletal disorders, back pain, neck pain, repetitive stress injuries
Chronic musculoskeletal conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome
Gynecological conditions, including endometriosis, infertility, reproductive health
Gastrointestinal issues such as reflux, crohn’s, irritable bowel syndrome,
Respiratory conditions, including asthma, allergies,
Sensory organ and skin diseases, including eczema
Insomnia, back pain, chronic headaches, anxiety, psychological issues
Classical Acupuncture is a preventative medicine that addresses the root cause of disease rather than symptomatically treating each imbalance. It is also a lifestyle medicine that works to maintain health and vitality in each phase of your life.
With acupuncture, a person’s overall constitution is evaluated and diagnosed. Then, an appropriate treatment plan is developed. Fine needles are used to stimulate specific acupuncture points in order to activate the nervous and circulatory systems. Since acupuncture points lie on top of nerves, acupuncture influences neurological activity and brings the body into a state of homeostasis.
Balancing the internal environment allows for pain relief in certain areas of the body, including lower back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, and many more types of acute and chronic pain. Mood disorders such as depression and anxiety are also addressed as the nervous system is brought to balance during acupuncture treatments.
Classically speaking, acupuncture is used to regulate the flow of Qi to bring balance back to the body. Applying the theory of Yin and Yang, all organisms function optimally when there are proportionate levels of these elements. Areas of stagnation/blockages and areas of deficiency/emptiness may produce both pain as well as lack of nourishment to the corresponding organs and tissues. These imbalances eventually lead to conditions such as pain, depression, and anxiety. Acupuncture is a medicine that allows the body to function optimally, supporting the body’s innate capacity to heal itself.