Energetic Mindset Coaching
Coaching via Zoom
Acupuncture is a medicine rooted in Daoist philosophy that views a person as an energy system in which body and mind are unified, each influencing and balancing the other.
The mind/spirit (Shen) component is imperative in the healing process. The practice of meditation and self-inquiry is the basis of healing.
I see coaching as a breakdown and analysis of our thoughts and belief systems- the basis of our life experience. Becoming aware and questioning beliefs changes our perceptions and, ultimately, our reality.
Most importantly, this work gives us the following concrete steps to take after we become aware.
I am grateful to offer healing through energy medicine, meditation, and coaching. The three complement each other so beautifully.
You cannot separate the mind/spirit (Shen) from the physical body.
Treatment is approached through inquiry/coaching alongside energetic distant healing.
The acupuncture channel system is activated energetically, allowing for deeper realization and processing the emotions of long-standing belief systems.
It is not enough to become aware. You must access the body on a cellular level to let go of stuck dense energy and emotions.
I've noticed the main themes patients struggle with:
-Overindulging in food and drinks
-Lack of Joy- feeling stuck
-Relationships - husbands, mothers-in-law, children
Here are some thoughts that you may or may not have heard:
-Overeating/drinking is not a willpower issue - it is an over-desire issue- and there is a solution.
-Feeling stuck and knowing there is more out there. I don't believe it's purely circumstantial due to the world's current climate. There has always been that desire to experience life differently, in other words, to live an inspired and intentional life.
-I have some news for you. It's not "their "behavior. It's your thoughts about it that are making you miserable. It takes one person to change a relationship.
-Overwhelm and Worry are not useful emotions, meaning they will prevent you from taking action and will not produce ANY results. You don't have to choose to indulge in them.
-Everyone has the same twenty-four hours in a day; not enough time is just a thought and one that is not serving you.
These are just a few concepts that may shift your perspective and allow you to see some things differently starting now.
The most valuable thing coaching offers you is the ability to be aware of your mind and see things from a different perspective to finally shift your behavior.
As in, you don't have to believe everything you think.
Awareness is not enough, and there are actual steps to take to move forward to stop relying on your past to dictate your future.