Stress/Anxiety Relief
Chronic stress, depression and anxiety are difficult to manage. Acupuncture relieves anxiety, and manages symptoms of depression. Acupuncture is a non invasive therapy that alleviates symptoms of chronic stress, and allows for a healthy, enjoyable lifestyle.
Stress, anxiety, depression, fatigue and insomnia have become the norm in our busy lives. Our bodies are constantly exposed to high levels of external stress. Our brains aren't able to cope with the stimulation that wasn't present many years ago. Our fight or flight system is triggered way too often, rather than when truly necessary. Acupuncture directly affects the nervous system by stimulating specific acupuncture points that bring the body back to homeostasis, inducing the rest and digest response.
From the western perspective, most acupuncture points exist over nerves. In turn, these nerves are stimulated and messages are sent to the brain that elicit a parasympathetic response, as well as the release of endorphins and enkephalins - the body’s natural painkillers. In time the body builds on the experiences of calm and relaxation, training the mind to return to a place of greater joy and calm. Depression, anxiety, insomnia, migraines, palpitations and muscle tension begin to fade and become manageable. Most important of all, you will begin to gain awareness and tools to manage the disharmonies when they do arise.